2024-2025 Pre-Enrollment is now open. Please go here for new student enrollment: https://durhamunified.aeries.net/enrollment/

The Superintendent's Weekly Update is live, take a look at the weekly happenings on all of our campuses here: https://www.durhamunified.org/o/dus/page/superintendents-weekly-update

2024-2025 Pre-Enrollment is now open. Please go here: https://durhamunified.aeries.net/enrollment/ to preregister for the next school year!

Congratulations to 6 Durham High School alumni who have achieved their American FFA Degree. Learn more about the highest FFA Degree here: https://www.ffa.org/the-feed/go-for-the-ffa-gold/

The Superintendent's weekly update is now posted. Take a look here: https://www.durhamunified.org/o/dus/page/superintendents-weekly-update

It's another week of updates around the Durham Unified School District, check out the news and photos of our community and activities: https://www.durhamunified.org/o/dus/page/superintendents-weekly-update

The Superintendent's Weekly Update is now live! https://www.durhamunified.org/o/dus/page/superintendents-weekly-update

The DIS Bond Project page has new pictures on the build progress, please go here to see: https://www.durhamunified.org/page/bond

It's another week of updates, please check the news about the DIS construction and campus events: https://www.durhamunified.org/o/dus/page/superintendents-weekly-update

Please check your Parent Square regarding an important event, Family Tech Talk. This webinar will include topics on internet safety, managing screen time, online risks and more.

The Superintendent's Weekly update is now live, there are some great pictures of campus events and the DIS build, follow the link below to see all the news : https://www.durhamunified.org/o/dus/page/superintendents-weekly-update

Fall floral subscriptions are out. Thank you to the DHS floral design classes, the arrangements look fantastic!

The Superintendent's Weekly update is now live! Get updates about campus life & activities as well as the the DIS Build here: https://www.durhamunified.org/o/dus/page/superintendents-weekly-update

DUSD has placed full copies of the plans and project manuals for both increment 1 and increment 2 in the DUSD board room. The documents are available for members of the public to review. Please make an appointment with either Angela Hale (ahale@durhamunified.org) or Tony Salindong (asalindong@durhamunified.org) if you wish to review the materials.

The Superintendent's Weekly update is now live! Get updates about campus life & activities as well as the the DIS Build here: https://www.durhamunified.org/o/dus/page/superintendents-weekly-update

The Superintendent's Weekly Update is now live: https://www.durhamunified.org/o/dus/page/superintendents-weekly-update

Reminder: District wide Minimum Day today, 9/18.

The Superintendent's weekly report has been updated. Go here for news of current events around the district and schools: https://www.durhamunified.org/o/dus/page/superintendents-weekly-update

Durham Gala tickets are available !! Follow the link to purchase: https://durhampts.ejoinme.org/MyEvents/2023FallGala/TicketsTables/tabid/1386436/Default.aspx