Student Supports & Services
To empower each student to achieve his/her potential to be a knowledgeable, productive, responsible citizen who is a lifelong learner and is able to function successfully and with integrity in a changing, complex world.
For more information about your rights under Section 504 or IEP eligibility or the IEP process click the links below.

Health & Wellness
Homeless and Foster Youth
McKinney-Vento Education Act: Homeless Children and Youth Assistance
The McKinney-Vento Education of Homeless Children and Youth Assistance Act is a federal law that ensures immediate enrollment and educational stability for homeless children and youth. McKinney-Vento provides federal funding to states for the purpose of supporting district programs that serve homeless students.
By law, school-aged children in one of the following situations may be considered homeless if they are:
Living in a shelter
Living in campgrounds, temporarily trailers, or parks
Living in an automobile
Living in an abandoned building or public place
Staying doubled up with friends or relatives, due to loss of housing from financial hardship
Living in substandard housing (i.e. no running water, no electricity)
Living in a transitional housing program
· McKinney-Vento Eligibility is based on your answers on the Student Housing Questionnaire you submitted on Aeries.
HEART is a crisis response program that offers 24 hour services to homeless and runaway youth (under the age of 18) and their caregivers in Butte County.
Foster Youth are children who have been taken from the home of their biological parents due to abuse, neglect, or any situation which makes it unsafe for them to remain in their parents' care.
While some foster youth are adopted into stable, loving homes, many more are placed into a series of temporary living situations, including short-term care, respite care, and group homes. This instability tends to severely impact student achievement. It is estimated that each time a student switches school mid-year, they are set back a semester or more in their studies.
School Ties offers a variety of services for foster youth, including tutoring, mentoring, case management and educational advocacy.
504 Accommodation Plans
Marilyn Bertolucci, Coordinator 504 Accommodations Plans
Student Supports & Services Director
Marilyn Bertolucci, Director of Student Supports & Services
(530) 895-4697 x6026