About Us

Since the founding of the Durham school district in 1922, Durham schools have maintained high academic standards, enrolling as many as 1,200 talented, energetic, and diverse students.
All three schools and the District Office are located in the heart of the farming community of Durham, a town of 4,000 people situated in Butte County, California. The elementary, intermediate, and high school are all situated on a 46-acre campus.
To empower each student to achieve his/her potential to be a knowledgeable, productive, responsible citizen who is a lifelong learner and is able to function successfully and with integrity in a changing, complex world.
District Goals
Improve Achievement for Every Student by:
Developing standards-based classrooms using assessment data to improve instruction and designing interventions for students in need
Develop School Culture
Where everyone emphasizes "students first," gives and commands respect, recognizes his or her role in the system, nurtures and values teamwork
Focus Staff Development To:
Implement standards, expand tool kits of instructional strategies, give ongoing support
Build a Budget That:
Supports achievement for every student,t is fiscally sound and provides for ongoing needs
Engage Parents/Community By:
Communicating student progress and continuing positive relationships involving them in the instructional process
Use Technology To:
Enhance the instructional program, share information, Communicate
Design Facilities & Acquire Equipment To:
Maximize efficient use of existing space and accommodate future needs
Every student has every opportunity to be successful!