DIS classroom install is complete! Exterior work has started!
DIS Construction Project slide show.

Action News piece from August 11th about our DIS campus project with Superintendent John Bohannon.
Meeting of the Durham Unified School District Bond Oversight Committee
May 2, 2024
Zoom Meeting Link:
Zoom Link
Zoom Meeting ID:
823 9482 6122
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Facilities Master Plan *DRAFT*
Bond Project Information and Applications
DIS Design Build Process Selection Recommendation
Measure X Update, October 26, 2022
During the regular scheduled Durham Unified School District Board Meeting on October 26, 2022, the Trustees approved moving forward with United Building Contractors, Inc as DUSD Design Build Entity for the Durham Intermediate School Project.
The District worked with the DUSD Facilities Committee to establish a parameter of needs and desires for our New DIS campus. There were many meetings where information was gathered, program needs evaluated, and staff input was received. In addition a survey where the community at-large provided input was held last spring. The District’s Architect took this information and created the parameters for design.
What does this mean? The Design Build Entity will soon start on conceptual designs that meet the needs of the District for the available funding.
A special THANK YOU to our Community for Supporting the Project through the support of Measure X, all community members that responded to our survey, Our Board of Trustees, the Facilities Committee group and the Selection Committee for all of the time, work and effort that has been invested to get us to this point. Durham Intermediate School looks forward to providing updates of the process along the way. Stay tuned.