Superintendent's Weekly Update
It is officially spring and the weather will start to show it next week. According to, we will exceed 80 degrees on Monday and Tuesday. This will undoubtedly lead to a little spring fever for our students. Temperatures won’t stay quite that warm, but the students will definitely start thinking like we are nearing the end of the school year.
This is a time of year that we have to work with our students to buckle down and focus on finishing strong over the next nine weeks of school. We are coming into state testing season, and it is important that we teach our students the importance of these tests. It is important that our students do their absolute best on the state tests.
We also continue moving toward the end of the year events in which every student, and their families, want to participate. Let's work hard as a team with our students to ensure they are part of every special event!
Board room painting
The district’s MOT staff has started the process of painting the boardroom at the district office to match the rest of the district office. For the next couple of weeks, it is best to not schedule any meetings in the boardroom.
New signs for crosswalk
A couple of months ago, the Durham Unified Board of Trustees approved funding the installation of new safety signs at the crosswalk on Durham Dayton Highway near the front of Durham Elementary School. The new signs will have a button to push on both sides of the street that turn on flashing signs indicating someone is crossing the street.
We received news this week that the plan is to install the foundations for the signs next week, and place the new signs in early April.
Updates from Principals
DES (from Samantha Brown)
From Leprechaun traps and ransacked classrooms with things tossed about and glitter galore to scavenger hunts looking for that elusive pot of gold and a staff potato bar and potluck luncheon, fun was had by all on Saint Patrick's Day. Summative ELPAC testing continued this week and again next week for our English Language Learners. Our three kindergarten classes took a walking field trip to the Durham Volunteer Fire Department, each on a different afternoon this week. Our third and fourth grade teams had meetings this week to look at making changes to our report cards as we prepare to move from the Illuminate platform to the Aeries platform and work on developing schedules that embed intervention time within the school day for the 2025-2026 school year. Registration opened up this week for Grandparent's Day 2025. Today, TK had a visit from our local Durham Volunteer Fire Department as part of their community helpers unit. The links for DES Summer School Intervention Registration will be sent out later today, and DES Summer School Enrichment Registration will be sent out next Friday, March 28th.
Next week Monday, March 24th - Friday, March 28th, DES ASB, led by Morgan Always and Molly Knobbe, will be holding our Coins for Cancer Fundraiser. With parent permission, students may bring in coins (and dollars) and place them into the blue tub in their classroom. At the end of the week, the tubs will be collected and the class who brought in the most money will earn an ice cream sundae party. The monies raised will be donated to Saint Jude's Children's Hospital.
Tiger Spotlight of the Week: Katie Perkins, Third Grade Teacher
1) Why did you become a teacher? I became a teacher because I personally did not enjoy school, and always felt like an oddball. I wanted to make a change within my own classroom so that all students felt welcome, and that they all had the ability to learn no matter what stood in their way.
2) What are your hobbies and interests outside of work? I love to relax and hang out with my husband and our cats! I also enjoy playing video games, listening to audio books, and going for long walks in Target!
3) A fun fact about yourself or unique talent you possess, if any? I taught myself in 6th grade how to modify video games on the computer by changing the core codes!
4) Favorite book, movie, or music (pick only one to share) and why is it your favorite? I love any book by Colleen Hoover, her books are full of drama and suspense.
5) Favorite part about working at Durham Elementary School? My favorite part of working at DES is the school community and staff, especially my team! We truly feel like a family!

DIS (From Joanne Parsley)
Shady Creek was yet another huge success for our 6th graders. It did look a bit different this year, but nothing our students and staff couldn't tackle. Our students had sun, rain and even snow. On Thursday morning, the administrators came to the decision that it would be safest for our students and transportation to come home early as snow was predicted and it's difficult for our buses. Our students and staff, being the troopers that they are, were able to pack up all of their items in about 20 minutes, eat lunch and then board the bus to come back home. Even though their week was cut short, the students had an amazing and educational few days. A big shoutout to our teachers: Mrs Rigsbee, Mrs Lincoln and Ms Skelly. Our administrator Mrs Parsley and our nurses Carina Ellis and Kristen Walters. We appreciate you all so much.
In 7th grade ELA, students are concluding their Refugee unit by crafting Compare/Contrast Essays
7th grade science has spent the week learning about the difference between Ectothermic and Endothermic animals by reading an article and sorting different reptiles, amphibians, fish, birds and mammals into the correct category. They have learned what physiological features each of these types of animals have and their adaptations to survival.
7th grade math just began our Geometry unit and have spent the week learning about Adjacent angles, Vertical angles, Complementary angles and Supplementary angles. They are applying algebra concepts to solve for angle measures given a picture with missing information
Math CC 2/3 will be starting a project called bungee barbie where students gather data with rubber bands to give barbie the most thrilling drop from the top of a bucket lift. Pi day winners received their Pi. Our 1st place student was able to name 74 digits, 2nd place 73 digits and our pi picture contest winner is attached. Integrated Math I will be doing a penny lab to learn about exponential decay.
PE is ramping up with volleyball games and the outdoor nets have become usable again with the dry weather this week! Students have been honing their skills, and now game play is in full swing. Exciting matches ahead! Warm weather and sunny days ahead next week are sure to bring more games at lunch and break.
8th Science: We are diving deeper into Forces & Motion, exploring the forces that cause movement and the impact of balanced vs. unbalanced forces.

DHS (From Marty Wilkes)
This week’s To Be Challenge: Be Interested…a good one for all of us! Practice active listening skills when talking to others. Make it a point to really listen in each conversation over the next few days, acting interested and asking thoughtful questions. Challenge yourself to come up with a question that causes the other person to answer “That’s a really great question!”
Next week in Advisory we’ll be doing a fun chalk activity outside (weather permitting) to continue our work building community on campus. Ask your student about their theme and plans for the event. And make sure to check out our students’ artwork around campus Monday afternoon.
Seniors should be working on their DHS Common Scholarship application now. They are due Friday, April 11th. There are tons of other scholarships listed in the Advisory 12 Google classroom that students should be applying for too (and they’re not). The Durham Rotary Club scholarship, for example, is due April 4th and they only have 3 applicants so far. Don’t let your seniors miss out on the opportunity to earn free money to pay for college. A local scholarship donor recently said “Who knew it would be so difficult to give away money?”
Scholarship Support Is Here! To help students navigate the application process, we’ll be holding scholarship workshops on Monday and Tuesday, March 24th & 25th. Support will be available during lunch and after school, whether students need help with resumes, essay tips, or general questions. Encourage your seniors to take advantage of this valuable opportunity!
Our local Rotary Club is also accepting applications for Camp Venture (an entrepreneurial camp for students interested in business) and Camp Royal (a leadership camp) until April 1st. We currently have no applicants. Please encourage your juniors to apply for these amazing summer opportunities.
Students who signed up to take the SAT did a digital workshop this week to prepare for the test. They will be taking the SAT on Wednesday, March 26th.
The AG Department:
Ms. Lynch took a team of students to a fab contest in Lincoln today.
April 2-6: State Conference
The baseball varsity team dropped their game to Maxwell on Wednesday 3-0. This dropped their overall record to 3-2 on the season.
Softball has a 5-3-1 record after picking up wins against Maxwell and Etna, tied 2-2 with Los Molinos and lost to Biggs 3-1.
Golf has not had their first match yet.