Health Services

The district employs a school nurse and a health aide to provide health services to students at all school sites. If your child is unwell during the school day, we endeavor to contact you or your listed emergency contact. It is important that you keep all contact telephone numbers current by calling the school secretary with changes, so we can inform you as soon as possible if your child is unwell or has an accident.

If your child has special medical needs or you have concerns about your child’s health, call the school nurse. A plan of care can be developed in conjunction with you and, if necessary, your child’s doctor, to ensure that appropriate care is given at school. 

The health office for the district is located at Durham Elementary School. 

Immunization Requirements

K-12 Immunization Requirement Policy with Vaccine List

California law requires children to be immunized. Children are exempt from immunization requirements only if a parent or guardian submits a written statement from a licensed physician (M.D. or D.O.) which states:

  • That the physical condition or medical circumstances of the child are such that the required immunization(s) is not indicated

  • Which vaccines are being exempted

  • Whether the medical exemption is permanent or temporary

  • The expiration date, if the exemption is temporary

First Grade Health Check-up

Report of Health Exam for School Entry English/Spanish

Waiver of Health Examination for School Entry English/Spanish

State law also requires each child’s family to provide, within 90 days of entrance into the first grade, a certificate documenting that the child has received a health checkup within the previous 18 months. Parents may waive the health checkup requirement because they do not want to or are unable to obtain a health screening for their child. If the waiver indicates that the parents were unable to obtain such services, the reasons must be included in the waiver. School districts must exclude any first-grader for up to five days if the child has neither a health examination certificate nor a parental waiver 90 days after entering the first grade.


Medication Authorization Form

The school district recognizes that students may need to take prescribed medication during the school day in order to be able to attend school without jeopardizing their health. The goal is to ensure that medication is safely administered to students within the requirements of state law.

Health Assessments

Health and School Protocol



Kristin Walters, School Nurse
(530)895-4690 x7708

Carina Ellis, Health Technician
(530) 895-4697 x6702