TK & Kindergarten Registration
TK Students who turn 5 on or between September 2, 2024- June 2, 2025
Kindergarten Students who turn 5 on or before September 1, 2024
Anytime - We currently have waiting lists for TK and Kindergarten for Interdistrict
What to Bring
Please bring COPIES of the following to turn in
Birth Certificate (Official County Issued)
Immunization Records
Proof of Residency within the Durham District Boundaries OR have submitted an inter-district transfer request with your district of residence.
The Process
You will meet with the elementary school office staff and turn in your child's birth certificate, immunization records, and proof of residency (if applicable)
You will fill out general information about your child and yourself on a Chromebook
You will receive your packet of paperwork to fill out
Please return your paperwork packet within a week of receiving it.
Once your paperwork is turned into the office your child's enrollment is complete.
NOTE: For inter-district students your enrollment to Durham Elementary School is provisional. You will be notified of official enrollment when enrollment numbers are finalized. Sometimes this can be as late as August. However, this is not common.