Dress Code
A Reminder
Hats and other head coverings shall not be worn in any buildings on campus.
Undergarments shall not be worn as outerwear.
Pants may not be worn low enough that underwear is visible.
Halter tops, off-the-shoulder shirts, midriff shirts, midriff blouses, see-through tops and revealing tops, spaghetti-strap tops are not appropriate attire for school.
Costumes/sleepwear, including slippers, shall be worn only for approved school activities.
Clothing should be in a good state of repair.
All articles of clothing, patches or buttons that have slogans advertising alcoholic beverages, illegal substances or bearing suggestive slogans are not allowed.
Footwear that will provide safe participation in school activities must be worn at all times.
Personal grooming will not be allowed in instructional areas. No putting on makeup, etc.